Controversial Kick star and YouTuber Jack Doherty has gone viral on the internet after his girlfriend was hospitalized because of his shenanigans. During a livestream on November 7, 2023, Doherty was seen recklessly driving a golf cart. Things went from bad to worse when the vehicle flipped over while the content creator was attempting to turn it sharply. McKinley Richardson, the streamer's girlfriend, was also riding in the golf cart.
The 20-year-old immediately checked on his significant other, who was sitting on the ground. While profusely apologizing for his actions, he said:
"Are you okay? Oh, f**k! I'm so sorry. Oh, f**k! Antonio Brown, we need you. I'm so sorry. Oh f**k, I literally thought that I just broke your f**king neck! I tried to hold it. Holy f**k! The golf cart is fine, though. A lot happened, I'm so sorry! So, first of all... let's get this s**t..."Jack Doherty took to X (formerly Twitter) on November 7, 2023, and shared a photo of McKinley Richardson in the hospital with the caption:
"I’m sorry @mckinleyrichx"User @Oblivion10x expressed their displeasure with the streamer's antics, writing:
"You've got to be the worst boyfriend of the year.""These little streamers are annoying" - Jack Doherty flipping the golf cart with his girlfriend riding alongside sparks outrage
Numerous netizens on X have shared their thoughts on Jack Doherty's recent antics. One fan expressed concern for McKinley Richardson's well-being in the aftermath of the golf cart accident:
Meanwhile, another user recalled some of the recent controversies in which the Kick streamer was involved:
Drama Alert shared a clip from Jack Doherty's Kick broadcast, during which he recklessly drove a golf cart:
X user @Wayneufcfan's comments have received quite a lot of likes. They wrote:
"Notice how the first thing he does is look to make sure the camera is still recording instead of checking to see if she's okay? These little streamers are annoying."Here are some more notable reactions:
Jack Doherty is a well-known YouTuber, best known for prank-related content. He joined the Stake-backed platform Kick earlier this year and has collaborated with numerous popular content creators, such as Yousef "Fousey," Corinna Kopf, and Ragnesh "N3on."
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