On Thursday, August 24, Townsend Junior High teacher Clifford Harper was arrested on suspicion of turning up drunk to the classroom. As per Fox News, the STEM teacher has been charged with public intoxication and child endangerment. Soon after his arrest, he was reportedly booked into the West Valley Detention Center in Chino Hills, California.
The investigation against Clifford Harper is currently ongoing. Officials have not yet disclosed the circumstances that led to the allegations against the 49-year-old teacher. A letter from Townsend Junior High School reportedly informed parents that Harper will be placed on administrative leave as officials carry out the probe.
The timeline of the allegations against Clifford Harper
On August 24, around 11:30 a.m., fellow teachers at Chino Hills' Townsend Junior High School reported that Clifford Harper was showing signs of intoxication. Shortly after the complaint, Harper was detained by officers from the Chino Hills Police Department. The teacher did not publicly comment on the allegations.
As the case currently remains in the early stages of investigation, officials have not disclosed how Clifford Harper's colleagues came to suspect that he was intoxicated. However, upon confronting Harper, officials determined that there was reason to believe that Harper's colleagues' suspicions were correct.
KTLA noted that Clifford Harper teaches a STEM introduction to technology course. The syllabus included the use of 3D modeling programs, as well as woodshop. Due to the use of various machines and pieces of equipment required for the course, Harper's alleged drunkenness was considered especially dangerous.
Laws against intoxication in the classroom
As per a study by the Guardian, while underage drinking among high school students is a well-known problem, the intoxication of teachers is also reportedly a concern. According to a survey conducted by a teachers union, 22% percent of teachers interviewed were drinking more than an average amount of alcohol to cope with the pressures of the job.
In a report on the issue of alcoholism among teachers, the organization, Rooted in Rights stated that it is essential that the stigma is removed. The organization noted that this is the only way that teachers could potentially be rehabilitated in the future.
As per New Directions for Women, there have also been reports of school teachers turning to more extreme narcotic substances to deal with teaching. This can be rooted in a number of factors, such as insufficient funding, uncooperative students, and in some cases friction with school administrations.
In many cases, teachers are reportedly uncomfortable about getting rehabilitated due to the fact that they could risk losing their jobs. If alcoholism becomes an issue, the administration has the right to discharge the employer. If this issue becomes known, it can also impact any future employment opportunities.
Officials have not commented on whether Harper suffers from alcoholism.
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