Liv Morgan was recently reunited with former WWE Superstar Mandy Rose. Morgan has been enjoying life outside of the squared circle while recovering from her current injury.
Rose, meanwhile, has been in touch with most of the WWE superstars despite being let go by the company at the end of 2022. Taking to her Instagram story, the former NXT Women's Champion shared a selfie with Morgan.
Morgan had a wholesome reaction to her reunion with Rose, as she reposted the Instagram story and responded with the 'heart hands' and 'sparkles' emoji.
Check out Morgan's reaction to her reunion with Rose:
Amid her latest injury, Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez were forced to vacate the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships.
Following an attack from Rhea Ripley, the former SmackDown Women's Champion was written off television to deal with her real-life injury.
Mandy Rose's heartfelt birthday wish to Sonya Deville
Mandy Rose recently took to Twitter to send a message to the current WWE star and her former tag team partner, Sonya Deville.
Rose and Deville were previously part of the Absolution faction and also teamed up as Fire and Desire. In her birthday wish dedicated to Deville, the former NXT Women's Champion expressed her gratitude and love for the 30-year-old. She wrote:
"Happiest birthday wishes to my Bestie & Ride or die! @SonyaDevilleWWE really don’t know what I would have done without you for the last eight years being on the road wrestling around the world, you kept me sane! Thank you for always being there and you know I always have your back. Hope you have the best birthday! Love you."Rose's last WWE match was by the end of 2022 when she lost the NXT Women's Title to Roxanne Perez. She was let go by the company shortly afterward.
Do you miss watching Mandy Rose and Liv Morgan on WWE TV? Sound off in the comments section below!
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