Players can check their Genshin Impact account's status using a mobile phone app called HoYoLAB, and it does not require users to open the game, which is a very convenient feature. Fans can check a couple of things in the application — such as their Original Resin, Spiral Abyss statistics, previous event records, and daily check-ins — to obtain several in-game rewards.
However, sometimes it can be a hassle to open the game or app to view Resin only to find it has not maxed out. To resolve this issue, the developers of Genshin Impact released a new feature for their HoYoLAB application in 2022 that allows fans to check Resin on an Android phone's home screen. This article will provide a simple guide for fans on how to add the new widget function on their mobiles.
An easy step-by-step guide to installing the Genshin Impact widget on Android phones
The above tweet was made by the developers of Genshin Impact, where they officially revealed the new update for HoYoLAB. As per the post, HoYoverse has released a new "Mobile Widget" for the app's Battle Chronicles feature. It allows players to keep track of their Original Resin on the home screen of their mobile phones in real-time. Fans can follow these simple steps to get the Mobile Widget on their phones:
- Make sure the HoYoLAB app is updated.
- Go to the mobile home screen.
- Press and hold the finger on a blank space on the screen to initiate the Edit mode.
- Click on the Widget option.
- Look for the HoYoLAB app and add it.
Currently, a player can select from four different designs and sizes for the Mobile Widget feature. Each style shows different in-game information and offers different shortcut tools.
The above image shows two different sizes of the Mobile Widget. As mentioned previously, each design will show different data and information. For instance, the smaller-icon one only shows the Resin amount in real time. Meanwhile, the larger alternative has more options such as the in-game nickname and Adventure Rank level.
Interestingly, players can also select some of the official Genshin Impact wallpaper themes for their widgets.
There are two options for the widget background: Random and Custom. Choosing the former will randomly show any one of the available images in the app every 30 minutes. On the other hand, Custom Background lets the player pick any one or more of their favorite images out of 28 options to appear on their Android phone's Mobile Widget.
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