Cold Blooded Intern is a 2023 comedy Korean drama. The story of Cold Blooded Intern revolves around the life of the mother, who takes a 7-year break from her career and raises her child. The drama script is full of emotions, comedy, and entertainment. This serial is aired from 11th August 2023. Let’s look at the Cold-Blooded Intern Korean drama cast name, age, and Kdrama story.
Drama Details
Genres: Family, Comedy
Country: South Korea
Director: Han Sang Jae
Language: Korean
Duration: 60 Mints
Total Episodes: 12
Release Date
The first episode of the Korean drama Cold Blooded Intern is aired on 11th August 2023.
Where to Watch Cold Blooded Intern
You can watch the Kdrama “Cold Blooded Intern” on TVING with English Subtitles.
Cold Blooded Intern Korean Drama Cast
Ra Mi Ran as Go Hae Ra – 48 years old
Uhm Ji Won as Choi Ji Won – 45 years old
Kang Sung Ho
Kim Yool Ho
Kim Mi Hye
Lee Jong Hyuk
Writer Name
Park Yeon Kyung is the scriptwriter of the Korean drama Cold Blooded Intern.
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Cold Blooded Intern Kdrama Story
Go Hae Ra left her job to give time to her child and home. She wants to continue her career after seven years break. She faces many difficulties in finding a job. Go Hae Ra finds a job as a marketing intern. She meets director Choi Ji Won. They help each other to perform different tasks.
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