5 most expensive cars in GTA Online (December 2022)

GTA Online's most expensive cars have a hefty price tag, but this hasn't stopped dedicated players from acquiring the best the game has to offer. The list gets updated as new cars enter the foray every month. December is here, and it's time to update the list of the most expensive cars in GTA Online.

GTA Online's most expensive cars have a hefty price tag, but this hasn't stopped dedicated players from acquiring the best the game has to offer. The list gets updated as new cars enter the foray every month. December is here, and it's time to update the list of the most expensive cars in GTA Online.

There are several businesses and ways to make money in the game, and players who put in the effort shouldn't have much trouble acquiring these cars. This article will list the most expensive cars in GTA Online as of December 2022.

GTA Online's most expensive cars, updated for December 2022

5) Toreador – $3,660,000

At a price tag of $3,660,000, the Toreador is always recommended over the Vigilante. The car has a rocket boost to bump up the speed and also has underwater driving capabilities. The car's missiles are infinite, making it a useful option for taking down griefers.

The Toreador has a five-speed gearbox and is rear-wheel driven. The fastest recorded lap time stands at 0:57.601, and the car has a top speed of 135.25 mph when fully upgraded. The vehicle has no windows and is bulletproof from all sides.

4) Vigilante – $3,750,000

The Grotti Vigilante is the best choice for diehard Batman fans, as the car's design is heavily inspired by the Batmobile from the movies Batman and Batman Returns. The Vigilante costs $3,750,000 and can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry. With a six-speed gearbox, the car is rear-wheel driven and is a two-seater.

The top speed recorded by the Vigilante pales in comparison to the rest of the expensive cars on this list. The car has a top speed of just 147 mph when fully upgraded. The fastest recorded lap time, however, is pretty impressive at 0:56.425. The vehicle is also bullet resistant from all four sides since it doesn't have any windows.

3) Rocket Voltic – $3,830,400

The Electric Supercar, Coil Rocket Voltic, costs $3,830,400 and can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry in GTA Online. The car comes with a rocket boost to help with quick acceleration and extra speed boost, hence the name. The design is based on a mix of the Tesla Roadster and Lotus Elise.

The car is rear-wheel driven and reaches a top speed of 124.50 when fully upgraded. The car has a sub-one minute lap time, with the fastest lap recorded at 0:59.526. Thanks to the rocket booster behind the car, it's also bulletproof from the rear.

2) Deluxo – $4,721,500

The Imponte Deluxo is a weaponized sports car that can fly through the GTA Online map. It's the second most expensive car in the game, with a price tag of $4,721,500. The car's flying and hover modes make it a good getaway vehicle.

The vehicle can also be fitted with homing missiles and machine guns to take down cops and other players. It's a rear-wheel drive with a four-speed gearbox that can reach a top speed of 127.25 mph when fully upgraded. The fastest lap recorded by the car is 1:07.369. The Imponte Deluxo can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry.

1) Ruiner 2000 – $5,745,600

Based on the popular Knight Rider car, GTA Online's most expensive car is currently the Imponte Ruiner 2000. The car can be purchased in from Warstock Cache & Carry and costs $5,745,600. Despite being the most expensive car in the game, it's not the fastest.

The muscle car has a variety of weapons and missiles and also a jumping and gliding ability. For those who can afford it, this is a must-have option to take down griefers. It's also a great choice when chasing after targets in headhunter jobs. The Imponte Ruiner 2000 is a rear-wheel drive car with a top speed of 119 mph once fully upgraded, with a fastest lap time of 1:11.807.

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